Jun 24, 2016
Sarah Albritton sleeps with Jamie Campbell and they talk about cataplexy, sleeping with friends, adjusting to LA and admitting things when half-awake!
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Jamie Campbell is a stand up comedian and actor based in LA. He stars in the webseries Lunch & Learn by Designer Pages. His debut album, Tell Me You're Proud of Me, debuted at #1 on Amazon comedy charts. You can find upcoming dates at http://www.jamiecampbellcomedy.com and follow him on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jamiecampbell
Sleeping with Sarah is a podcast where comedian and narcoleptic, Sarah Albritton interviews people in her bed. They talk about sleep, dreams, comedy, life and whatever else comes up. You can follow Sarah on twitter:@sarahalbritton or visit her websitewww.sarahalbritton.com or www.sleepingwithsarah.com. Music by Josh Bryant. You can view the video version of the podcast on Sarah's Youtube channel.