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Aug 10, 2017

This week, Sarah had comedian Ramon Rivas II in bed! They talked about how he got his start in comedy, musicians vs comedians, the world series and more! You can follow Ramon on Twitter @BlazerRamon.

Ramon Rivas II has a comedy central half hour, has appeared on @Midnight and will be in the upcoming seasons of Broad City and Crashing. He founded the Accidental Comedy Fest in Cleveland and you can check it out August 30th - Sept. 3rd. 

Sleeping with Sarah is a podcast where comedian and narcoleptic, Sarah Albritton interviews people in her bed. They talk about sleep, comedy, and relationships. Sleeping with Sarah is proud to be part of the Laugh Factory podcast network. Visit for more information. You can follow Sarah on Twitter:@sarahalbritton and Instagram @sarahalbritton or visit her at www.sarahalbritton.